What We Believe

The Scriptures
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed. Thus they are the final, authoritative rule for all faith and life.
2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:20-21; Matt 5:18; John 16:12-13

The Godhead

There is but one God, the Maker, Preserver, and Ruler of all things; who has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, without division of essence, attributes, or perfections, yet distinct in person, office and function.

Deut 6:4, 2 Cor 13:14; Matt 28:19

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, pre-existent in the form of God, took upon Himself sinless, human nature by the Virgin Birth in order that He might perfectly fulfill the law, suffered, and died upon the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day, revealed God and redeemed mankind. His death, burial, and resurrection were representative, vicarious, substitutionary, and accomplished complete salvation. Now ascended, He is exalted at the right hand of God, where He ever lives to make intercession for the saints.

John 1:1-2,14; Luke 1:35; Rom 3:24-25, 6:1-5; Heb 9:24; Rom 8:31; 1 John 2:1-2

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the divine person that convinces the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; and regenerates, baptizes, seals, and indwells all believers unto the day of redemption. He is the Author of spiritual gifts and fruit; and continually fills those who yield to Him.

John 16:8-11; 1 Cor 12:12-14; Eph 1:13-14, 4:30, 5:18


Satan is a spirit person who was originally created good, yet became the author of sin and cause of the fall of man. He is the declared enemy of God and man, and shall be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire.

Isa 14:12-17; Job 1:6-7; Matt 4:2-11, 25:41; Rev 20:10

The Fall

Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God but through temptation of Satan, he transgressed the command of God and fell from his original state; now he is totally deprave, that is, spiritually dead, morally polluted and physically mortal.

Gen 1:26-27, 3:1-6; Eph 2:1-3, 12; 1 Cor 15:53


Salvation from sin and its consequences is the gift of God’s grace, purchased by the death and resurrection of Christ, and received by personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. All those redeemed are kept by God’s power, and may rejoice in the assurance of salvation through the testimony of God’s Word.

Eph 2:8-10; John 6:37-40, 10:27-30; Rom 8:35-39; 1 Pet 1:5; Rom 8:14-16; 1 John 5:13

The Church

The universal Church, over which the Lord Jesus is the Head, is a spiritual organism made up of all born-again persons in this present age. The establishment and continuance of local churches free of any external ecclesiastical authority and control were clearly taught in the New Testament. The local church is governed by the plurality of elders, and recognizes the ordinances of Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as a means of public testimony.

Eph 1:22-23; 1 Cor 12:12-14; Acts 14:27, 20:17; 1 Tim 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11; Acts 20:28; Matt 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42; 1 Cor 11:23-26

Last Things

The Blessed Hope of the Church is the personal, imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His saints, with whom He shall establish His Millennial Kingdom.

1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 19:11-16, 20:1-6; Matt 25:46