Our Leadership Team

We are an elder led church. Scripture clearly establishes the existence and need for elder leadership as well as their qualifications and responsibilities (Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4). We believe that the plurality of leadership is of great benefit and protection for our church.

Elders are to guide the church by God's Word and by His Holy Spirit. They are to pray for and seek God's guidance in all the aspects of His church. All decisions made by our elders are to be unanimous. Our elders meet early on Friday mornings to seek the Lord's direction, for a devotional time and prayer, and to discuss the issues and needs of our church.

Deacons are to lead in the practical needs of the church, to encourage all of its members to be involved in the ministry of helps.

Trustees are the custodians of the church property and serve as the legal representatives of the church in matters of business

Jeff Tyler
Leigh Leach

Bill Wirz
Cynthia Risch

Cynthia Risch